
Mommy and Me Mini Session Recap {Tulsa Family Photographer}

You guys. 

I guess the sun and the moon and the stars all aligned and we had the perfect day for the Mommy and Me Mini Sessions! The weather could not have been more beautiful, all the mommas looked gorgeous and all the kiddos were perfectly behaved! It was a Spring Time Miracle! 

Here are some of my absolute favorites from the morning…be prepared to die from cuteness overload. 

First up we have this beautiful Mommy with her sweet little men….

Next, we have this momma and her beautiful daughter who have made several appearances on the blog - they are some of my favorite people of all time. 

Now, we have smiley Stella and her momma, Michelle! Stella was so happy and her daddy was close by with the keys to help her stay that way! 

And now we come to this lovely momma and her sweet daughter, who is friends with my son - they are probably going to get married in 20 years or so….

Whew! Thanks for sticking through the longest blog post ever!! I just had so much fun with this session and I want to brag on these (and all) mommas! Our job is so tough and you ladies handle the task and challenge with a sense of honor, grace and unconditional love. Sometimes we feel beat up and broken down and like we are not good enough. But you are enough and your babies love you just as you are! 
Thank you for being awesome mommas to you kiddos - each and every one of you inspire and challenge me to be a better mom to my sweet boy. So, I'm giving you the biggest high - five, fist bump and hug today! Happy (early) Mother's Day! 

Now go get a pedicure and eat some chocolate ;-) 

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